M7FFA Search Results

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9 files were found for your search.
All of them are listed below.
Results are sorted by Category, Descending.


Title: Forward (offsite link)
Author: Lady Angel
Genre: Gen
Category: ATF, Humor
Rating: PG, PG-13
Main Characters: Chris, Vin
Summary: Vin sends Chris an email to let him know how things are going.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 01/27/02)

Title: Dance Fever aka "The Case From Hell" (offsite link)
Author: Lady Angel
Genre: Gen
Category: ATF, Humor
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: adult content
Main Characters: All Seven
Summary: The guys go undercover in a very interesting place.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 02/17/01)

Title: Thanksgiving, ATF Style (offsite link)
Author: Lady Angel
Genre: Gen
Category: ATF, Holiday
Rating: PG-13
Main Characters: All Seven, Mary, Judge Travis, Billy, Nettie, Casey, Maude, Inez
Summary: Chris invites everyone to his ranch for Thanksgiving, but as usual, not everything goes as planned.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 02/17/01)

Title: Hands of Fate (55k) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: TEAM 7
Genre: Gen
Category: ATF, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Smarm
Rating: PG
Main Characters: JD, Vin, All Seven
Summary: When JD and Vin are in an accident, the entire team rushes to their aid.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 02/10/01)
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Title: One Fine Day (109k) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: Angela B
Genre: Gen
Category: ATF, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Rating: PG
Main Characters: Ezra, Vin, All Seven
Summary: Vin and Ezra get in an accident that changes Ezra's life.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 05/07/03)
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Title: Just Our Luck (offsite link)
Author: Lady Angel
Genre: Gen
Category: ATF, Crossover, Drama
Rating: R
Main Characters: All Seven
Summary: The seven find some trouble in the air. (Crossover with The Sentinel.)
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 12/29/02)

Title: His Touch (offsite link)
Author: Lady Angel
Genre: Gen
Category: ATF
Rating: G
Main Characters: Chris, Ezra
Summary: One of the Seven's reflections.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 02/17/01)

Title: Tangle (3k) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: Crow
Genre: Pre-slash
Category: Angst, A/U, Drama, Old West, Series
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: adult content, rape
Main Characters: Buck, Chris, Ezra, JD, Josiah, Nathan, Vin, All Seven, OMC
Pairing: Chris/ Ezra
Alternate Universe: Dark Knights
Summary: Ezra gets more than he bargains for on patrol and it changes his world.
Status: Complete
Sequel to:
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Title: Black Monday (42k) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: TEAM 7
Genre: Gen
Category: Action, ATF, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Rating: PG-13
Main Characters: Ezra, Vin, All Seven
Summary: When Vin and Ezra run into trouble, the rest of the team races to help them.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 02/10/01)
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