M7FFA Search Results

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18 files were found for your search.
All of them are listed below.
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Title: Midnight and Solitude (144k) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: Carla
Genre: Gen
Category: Angst, ATF
Rating: PG
Warnings: graphic violence
Main Characters: Ezra, All Seven
Summary: A series of firebombings is occurring across the country. Can Team Seven stop it?
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 01/13/01)
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Title: Legacy of Fire (76k) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: Carla
Genre: Gen
Category: Action, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Old West
Rating: PG
Warnings: language
Main Characters: Ezra, All Seven
Summary: An injured Ezra is taken hostage, and the rest of the Seven must rescue him.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 11/25/00)
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Title: Missing Atlanta (offsite link)
Author: Debby
Genre: Gen
Category: Angst, ATF
Rating: G
Main Characters: Ezra
Summary: Ezra thinks back to his days in Atlanta.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 01/12/01)

Title: Let Me Believe (offsite link)
Author: Debby
Genre: Gen
Category: Action, ATF
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: graphic violence, language
Main Characters: Ezra, Josiah
Summary: Josiah and Ezra go under cover in Western NY to bring down a militia group. Will Josiah's attraction to the leader's sister cause him to lose focus?
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 01/12/01)

Title: My Beloved Is Mine (offsite link)
Author: Debby
Genre: Gen
Category: ATF, Drama
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: graphic violence, language
Main Characters: Chris, All Seven, OFC
Summary: Will Chris and the team be able to go on with life after Kara? Will she let them?
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 01/12/01)
Sequel to: Two Shall Be As One Flesh

Title: Last Valentine (offsite link)
Author: Debby
Genre: Gen
Category: Action, ATF
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: language
Main Characters: Chris, All Seven, OFC
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 01/12/01)
Sequel to: Stand Off

Title: Misunderstandings (offsite link)
Author: Heather Flaherty
Genre: Gen
Category: Angst, Drama, Holiday, Old West
Rating: PG-13
Main Characters: Ezra, All Seven
Summary: Ezra's in a surly mood and some actions lead to misunderstandings and hard feelings. 117KB
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 07/16/02)

Title: Misconceptions And Conversations (offsite link)
Author: Heather Flaherty
Genre: Gen
Category: Drama, Old West
Rating: PG
Main Characters: Ezra, Billy
Series: Misconceptions
Summary: Billy and Ezra have a talk about self worth. 12KB
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 07/16/02)

Title: Maude's Concern (offsite link)
Author: Heather Flaherty
Genre: Gen
Category: Hurt/Comfort, Old West
Rating: PG
Main Characters: Ezra, Maude
Summary: Maude returns to Four Corners to find Ezra badly hurt. 30K
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 12/18/00)

Title: Missed (offsite link)
Author: Heather Flaherty
Genre: Gen
Category: Angst, ATF, Drama
Rating: PG
Main Characters: Ezra
Summary: Vin waits at the airport to pick up Ezra after he's borrowed by another office for a case, but discovers that the trip was initiated by Ezra to smooth over his sudden appearance at a camping outing. 53KB
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 12/10/01)

Title: Making Lemonade (offsite link)
Author: JK
Genre: Gen
Category: ATF, A/U, Drama, Holiday
Rating: PG
Main Characters: Ezra, Vin
Alternate Universe: Little Britches
Summary: Vin gets snowed in at Christmas at Ezra's. Little Britches A/U
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 12/29/02)

Title: Love Aloft (offsite link)
Author: JK
Genre: Gen
Category: Angst, ATF, A/U, Drama, Holiday, Hurt/Comfort
Rating: PG
Main Characters: Buck, Chris, JD, Vin
Summary: Vin and JD deal with their first Mother's Day with their new family. Little Britches A/U
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 05/14/02)

Title: Last Laugh (4k) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: Lanna Hanson
Genre: Gen
Category: ATF, Humor
Rating: G
Main Characters: All Seven
Summary: Who gets the last laugh in a game of practical jokes?
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 1/13/01)
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Title: Letting in the Jungle (offsite link)
Author: Lethe Loupe
Genre: Slash
Category: A/U, Drama, Established Relationship, Old West
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: graphic sex
Main Characters: Buck, Chris, Ezra, JD, Josiah, Nathan, Vin, All Seven, Casey, OFC
Pairing: Buck/ Chris/ Ezra/ JD/ Josiah/ Nathan/ Vin/ Other Female/ Multiple Pairings
Alternate Universe: TwoBlood
Summary: The pack's settling in, and learning what it is to be a pack--and what it isn't
Status: Complete

Title: Moods (14k) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: Macx
Genre: Slash
Category: A/U, Hurt/Comfort, Series
Rating: PG-13
Main Characters: Buck, Chris, Ezra
Pairing: Chris/ Ezra
Series: Boarderlines
Summary: Buck needs to work through some feelings, and Ezra gives him an ear. Also contains Buck/Vin. 19th in the series.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 2/22/03)
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Title: Leisure Time (12k) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: Macx
Genre: Slash
Category: Old West, Series
Rating: PG-13
Main Characters: Chris, Ezra
Pairing: Chris/ Ezra
Series: Denuo OW
Summary: Chris is helping out at a rance, with Ezra supervising. 3rd in the series.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 2/26/03)
Sequel to: Inreto
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Title: Mystery Man (offsite link)
Author: Trekkieb
Genre: Gen
Category: ATF
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: graphic violence, language
Main Characters: Ezra
Summary: Agents Ezra Standish and Buck Wilmington are undercover when Standish sees a familiar face amongst the bad guys. Will he figure out the identity of this mystery man before it's too late?
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 08/02/00)

Title: Mystery Man (offsite link)
Author: Trekkieb
Genre: Gen
Category: ATF
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: graphic violence, language
Main Characters: Ezra
Summary: Agents Ezra Standish and Buck Wilmington are undercover when Standish sees a familiar face amongst the bad guys. Will he figure out the identity of this mystery man before it's too late? 4K
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 08/02/00)

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