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52 files were found for your search.
All of them are listed below.
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Title: The Eternal (168k) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: Alanna
Genre: Het
Category: Action, Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Old West, Romance
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: graphic violence, language, adult content
Main Characters: Chris, All Seven, OFC
Pairing: Chris/ Other Female
Summary: Chris is attracted to a beautiful woman--but is she what she appears to be?
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 12/06/00)
Sequel to: Deadlier of the Species
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Title: The Fading (9k) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: Brandwen
Genre: Gen
Category: Angst, ATF, A/U, Challenge, Character Study, Crossover, Drama
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: adult content, major character death
Main Characters: Ezra, Nathan, All Seven
Summary: Sixth Sense Xover. "For the life of him, he couldn't remember who they'd buried."
Status: Complete
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Title: The Day of Miracles (33k) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: Carla
Genre: Gen
Category: Action, Holiday, Old West
Rating: PG
Main Characters: Ezra, Billy, All Seven
Summary: Outlaws seaking revenge against Judge Travis go after Billy as he's traveling to Four Corners for Christmas.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 01/07/01)
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Title: The Best Intentions (34k) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: Carrie Byrd
Genre: Het
Category: Action, Old West, Romance
Rating: PG
Main Characters: Ezra, Vin, OFC
Pairing: Ezra/ Other Female
Summary: An old friend of Vin's arrives in town and catches Ezra's eye, but she has plans of her own to deal with first.a
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 01/11/01)
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Title: Tangle (3k) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: Crow
Genre: Pre-slash
Category: Angst, A/U, Drama, Old West, Series
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: adult content, rape
Main Characters: Buck, Chris, Ezra, JD, Josiah, Nathan, Vin, All Seven, OMC
Pairing: Chris/ Ezra
Alternate Universe: Dark Knights
Summary: Ezra gets more than he bargains for on patrol and it changes his world.
Status: Complete
Sequel to:
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Title: Two Shall Be As One Flesh (offsite link)
Author: Debby
Genre: Gen
Category: ATF, Drama
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: graphic violence, language
Main Characters: Chris, All Seven, OFC
Summary: When Chris comes to an attack victim's rescue, he has no idea that he just put his team and himself in danger.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 01/12/01)
Title: The Wizard of OZ (8k) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: Debra Baschal
Genre: Gen
Category: ATF, A/U, Humor
Rating: G
Main Characters: All Seven
Summary: The Seven find themselves in a strange place.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 12/21/02)
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Title: The Zoo (offsite link)
Author: Heather Flaherty
Genre: Gen
Category: Action, ATF, Drama
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: graphic violence
Main Characters: All Seven
Summary: The guys are supposed to arrest bad guys at the Denver Zoo. 142 KB
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 07/16/02)
Title: The Train (offsite link)
Author: Heather Flaherty
Genre: Gen
Category: Action, Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Old West
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: graphic violence, language
Main Characters: All Seven
Summary: Travis sends the guys to guard a car full of gold.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 07/16/02)
Title: The Walk Home (offsite link)
Author: Heather Flaherty
Genre: Gen
Category: Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Old West
Rating: PG-13
Main Characters: Ezra, Vin
Summary: Vin hits his head and Ezra tries to get him home. 89KB
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 07/16/02)
Title: Thems Are Demons (offsite link)
Author: Heather Flaherty
Genre: Gen
Category: Humor, Old West
Rating: PG
Main Characters: All Seven
Summary: The Bad Guy's Point of View of the seven. 29KB
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 07/16/02)
Title: Team Retreat (offsite link)
Author: Heather Flaherty
Genre: Gen
Category: Action, ATF, Hurt/Comfort
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: graphic violence, language
Main Characters: All Seven
Summary: Exhaustion has everyone on Team 7 at each other's throats. When Judge Travis sends them on a retreat that goes drastically wrong, they must learn to work together again in order to survive. 216K
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 01/13/01)
Title: The Train (offsite link)
Author: Heather Flaherty
Genre: Gen
Category: Action, Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Old West
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: graphic violence, language
Main Characters: All Seven
Summary: Travis sends the guys to guard a car full of gold. 385KB
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 07/16/02)
Title: Transfer (offsite link)
Author: Heather Flaherty
Genre: Gen
Category: Angst, ATF, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: language
Main Characters: Ezra, All Seven
Summary: When Ezra is transferred from Denver without Chris's knowledge, the rest of the team must work fast to get him back. 350K
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 07/14/02)
Title: The Pit (offsite link)
Author: Heather Flaherty
Genre: Gen
Category: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Old West
Rating: PG-13
Main Characters: Buck, Ezra, JD
Summary: Buck, JD and Ezra investigate an old mine. 124KB
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 07/16/02)
Title: Thems Are Demons (offsite link)
Author: Heather Flaherty
Genre: Gen
Category: Humor, Old West
Rating: PG
Main Characters: All Seven
Summary: The Bad Guy's Point of View of the Seven. 29KB
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 07/16/02)
Title: Trials (offsite link)
Author: Heather Flaherty
Genre: Gen
Category: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Old West
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: graphic violence, language
Main Characters: Ezra, All Seven, Mary, Judge Travis, Billy
Summary: The guys get taken hostage with Mary and Billy to force the Judges hand. 167KB
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 07/16/02)
Title: The Heist (offsite link)
Author: Heather Flaherty
Genre: Gen
Category: Action, Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Old West
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: graphic violence
Main Characters: Buck, Ezra, Vin
Summary: Some bad guys rob the bank and shoot Vin.Chris is pissed and Ezra's tired. 116KB
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 07/16/02)
Title: The Zoo (offsite link)
Author: Heather Flaherty
Genre: Gen
Category: Action, ATF, Drama
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: graphic violence
Main Characters: All Seven
Summary: The guys are supposed to arrest bad guys at the Denver Zoo. 142KB
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 07/16/02)
Title: The Wreck (offsite link)
Author: Heather Flaherty
Genre: Gen
Category: Action, ATF, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Rating: PG-13
Main Characters: Ezra, Vin, All Seven
Summary: Vin and Ezra take a new truck for a test drive. 161KB
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 07/16/02)
Title: The Wreck (offsite link)
Author: Heather Flaherty
Genre: Gen
Category: Action, ATF, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Rating: PG-13
Main Characters: Ezra, Vin, All Seven
Summary: Vin and Ezra take a new truck for a test drive.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 07/16/02)
Title: The Letter Home (offsite link)
Author: JK
Genre: Gen
Category: Action, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Old West
Rating: PG
Warnings: graphic violence, language
Main Characters: Ezra, Vin
Summary: Ezra contemplates his future in Four Corners after being seriously injured in an accident.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 11/26/00)
Title: Until Your Dreams Know (offsite link)
Author: JK
Genre: Gen
Category: Angst, ATF, A/U, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Rating: PG-13
Main Characters: JD, Vin
Summary: After an incident with Buck, bad memories are brought to the surface for Vin. Little Britches A/U
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 08/02/02)
Title: The Right Kind of Mirrors (offsite link)
Author: Killash
Genre: Gen
Category: Action, Drama, Humor, Old West
Rating: PG
Main Characters: Chris, Ezra, Vin, All Seven
Summary: The Seven run into a bunch of small mirrors in the woods, a discovery that leaves them stunned, perplexed, mesmerized and in a complete state of disbelief. to say the least. Go read. don't ask!
Status: Complete
Title: Voices of Fear (22k) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: krh
Genre: Gen
Category: Angst, ATF
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: language
Main Characters: All Seven
Summary: When Chris is shot, his friends must deal with the possibility that he might not survive.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 1/14/01)
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Title: The Barkeep's Simple Request (58k) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: Kris Mashburn
Genre: Gen
Category: Action, Old West
Rating: PG
Main Characters: All Seven
Summary: What starts out as a simple request quickly gets complicated
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 01/11/01)
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Title: Thanksgiving, ATF Style (offsite link)
Author: Lady Angel
Genre: Gen
Category: ATF, Holiday
Rating: PG-13
Main Characters: All Seven, Mary, Judge Travis, Billy, Nettie, Casey, Maude, Inez
Summary: Chris invites everyone to his ranch for Thanksgiving, but as usual, not everything goes as planned.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 02/17/01)
Title: Trippin' (7k) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: Lanna Hanson
Genre: Gen
Category: ATF, Challenge, Humor
Rating: PG
Main Characters: All Seven
Summary: Vin's in pain and Ezra thinks of a way to help him.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 1/13/01)
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Title: Trust (13k) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: Lara Bee
Genre: Slash
Category: A/U, Series
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: graphic sex
Main Characters: Chris, Ezra
Pairing: Chris/ Ezra
Series: Boarderlines
Summary: Ezra's been reading. 3rd in the series.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 2/22/03)
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Title: The Good Book (7k) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: Linda
Genre: Gen
Category: Angst, Old West
Rating: G
Main Characters: Vin, All Seven
Summary: The subject of Vin's birthday comes up.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 11/28/00)
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Title: Truth Be Told (14k) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: Macx
Genre: Slash
Category: A/U, Series
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: graphic sex
Main Characters: Buck, JD, Vin
Pairing: Buck/ Vin
Series: Boarderlines
Summary: Buck has a talk with JD to see how accepting he is of Buck and Vin's relationship. 20th in the series.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 2/22/03)
Sequel to: Moods
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Title: The Fine Line (25k) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: Macx
Genre: Slash
Category: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Old West, Series
Rating: R
Warnings: graphic violence, adult content
Main Characters: Chris, Ezra
Pairing: Chris/ Ezra
Series: Denuo OW
Summary: Ella kidnaps Chris, and when Ezra finds them, he ends it once and for all. 4th in the series.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 2/26/03)
Sequel to: Leisure Time
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Title: Ultimate Sacrifice (37k) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: Macx
Genre: Slash
Category: Angst, A/U, Series
Rating: R
Main Characters: Buck, Chris, Ezra
Pairing: Chris/ Ezra
Series: Boarderlines
Summary: After a confrontation with Buck, Ezra is driven away.6th in the series.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 2/22/03)
Sequel to: Too Close For Comfort
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Title: Too Close For Comfort (7k) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: Macx
Genre: Slash
Category: A/U, Hurt/Comfort, Series
Rating: R
Warnings: graphic sex
Main Characters: Chris, Ezra
Pairing: Chris/ Ezra
Series: Boarderlines
Summary: Chris watches over Chris after getting roughed up. 5th in the series.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 2/22/03)
Sequel to: Revenge
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Title: The Proxy (14k) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: S A
Genre: Gen
Category: Humor, Old West
Rating: G
Main Characters: Ezra, JD
Summary: JD asks for Ezra's help when he gets mixed up with a thug of a gamber.
Status: Complete
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Title: The Week After (offsite link)
Author: SasseyJ
Genre: Gen
Category: Drama, Old West
Rating: PG-13
Main Characters: Chris, Vin
Summary: Epilogue to 'Friendship'.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 11/25/00)
Sequel to: Friendship
Title: The Bank Robbery (offsite link)
Author: SasseyJ
Genre: Gen
Category: Action, Hurt/Comfort, Old West
Rating: PG-13
Main Characters: Vin
Summary: None given.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 09/24/00)
Title: The Week After (offsite link)
Author: SasseyJ
Genre: Gen
Category: Drama, Old West
Rating: PG-13
Main Characters: Chris, Vin
Summary: Epilogue to 'Friendship'. 21K
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 11/25/00)
Sequel to: Friendship
Title: Telegram (offsite link)
Author: SasseyJ
Genre: Gen
Category: Angst, Smarm
Rating: PG-13
Main Characters: Vin
Summary: Nathan has to figure out what went wrong as one of the seven succumbs to a life-threatening fever. References to "Sins of the Past," "Achilles," and "Inmate 78." 124K
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 09/24/00)
Sequel to: The Bank Robbery
Title: Telegram (offsite link)
Author: SasseyJ
Genre: Gen
Category: Old West, Smarm
Rating: PG-13
Main Characters: Vin
Summary: Nathan has to figure out what went wrong as one of the seven succumbs to a life-threatening fever. References to "Sins of the Past," "Achilles," and "Inmate 78."
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 09/24/000)
Sequel to: The Bank Robbery
Title: Two Of Everything (offsite link)
Author: SasseyJ
Genre: Gen
Category: Action, Old West
Rating: PG-13
Main Characters: All Seven
Summary: Vin, Chris, Ezra, and Buck are the first of the Seven to fall under the spell of twins.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 11/25/00)
Title: Two of Everything (offsite link)
Author: SasseyJ
Genre: Gen
Category: Action, Old West
Rating: PG-13
Main Characters: All Seven
Summary: Vin, Chris, Ezra, and Buck are the first of the Seven to fall under the spell of twins. 420K
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 11/25/00)
Title: Tequila Town (offsite link)
Author: Trekkieb
Genre: Gen
Category: Angst, ATF, Character Study
Rating: PG
Warnings: language
Main Characters: Ezra
Summary: A companion piece to Ruby's <A HREF=>Your True Family</a>. 11K
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 08/02/00)
Sequel to: Your True Family
Title: The Witness (offsite link)
Author: Trekkieb
Genre: Gen
Category: Action, Hurt/Comfort, Old West
Rating: PG
Warnings: language
Main Characters: Buck, Chris, Josiah
Summary: Buck, Chris, and Josiah protect a witness. Trouble follows. 58K
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 08/08/00)
Title: Twist of Fate (offsite link)
Author: Trekkieb
Genre: Gen
Category: Action, ATF, Drama
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: language
Main Characters: Ezra, Vin
Summary: Undercover Vin and Ezra are on a risky operation when Fate decides to mess things up. Will they survive? 99K
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 08/02/00)
Title: The Witness (offsite link)
Author: Trekkieb
Genre: Gen
Category: Action, Hurt/Comfort, Old West
Rating: PG
Warnings: language
Main Characters: Buck, Chris, Josiah
Summary: Buck, Chris, and Josiah protect a witness. Trouble follows.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 08/08/00)
Title: Tequila Town (offsite link)
Author: Trekkieb
Genre: Gen
Category: Angst, ATF, Character Study
Rating: PG
Warnings: language
Main Characters: Ezra
Summary: A companion piece to Ruby's "Your True Family" It would be helpful if you read that first.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 08/02/22)
Title: This Isn't Funny, You Know (offsite link)
Author: Twig
Genre: Gen
Category: ATF, Humor
Rating: G
Main Characters: Ezra, Vin
Summary: Ezra finds himself on a bus and in a predicament.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 01/13/01)
Title: The Third Kind (offsite link)
Author: Twig
Genre: Gen
Category: Action, Angst, Drama, Old West
Rating: PG
Warnings: graphic violence, language, adult content
Main Characters: Ezra, All Seven
Summary: A tale of betrayal and true courage; the story of how one man tries to save his friends through the unlikely guise of betrayal, and to try and succeed at this task in spite of all that's in his way: a scorned woman, her manipulative lover, anger of his friends, and the hardest to overcome, his own guilty conscience. Please read additional warnings on the story.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 11/26/00)
Title: Thoughts (or Realizations) (offsite link)
Author: Twig
Genre: Het
Category: Episode-Related, Old West, Romance
Rating: G
Main Characters: Chris, Mary
Pairing: Chris/ Mary
Episode: Inmate78
Summary: Mary worries about Chris after the events of 'Inmate 78'.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 11/26/00)
Title: Unreliable (offsite link)
Author: Twig
Genre: Gen
Category: Angst, ATF, Character Study
Rating: PG
Warnings: language
Main Characters: Ezra
Summary: Ezra's reputation haunts him . . . but do the rest of the team see him that way?
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 1/13/01)
Title: Till the Stars Fall From the Sky (62k) (Format: html, text-only)
Author: Usako
Genre: Gen
Category: Action, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Old West, Smarm
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: language
Main Characters: Chris, Vin
Summary: A telegram comes for Chris, setting in motion dangerous events.
Status: Complete (Originally posted: 11/26/00)
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